
Sample Size App

Do you struggle finding your required sample size every time you design a study?

We have developed a web application that will enable you to run sample size calculations very easily. You can compute sample size for proportions, means or medians and you can mix that with non-inferiority, equivalence, superiority and super-superiority designs, which in turn can be mixed with parallel or crossover designs.

Are you familiar with paired t-tests, independent t-test, Sensitivity/Specificity or McNemar test? you can compute sample size for such statistical analyses tests as well.

Save time and money running multiple sample size calculations according to different input criteria and find the best balance between your hypothesis, resources and robustness.

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Data Analysis App

This is a free online statistical analysis tool and a graph maker tool.

With this app you can upload a dataset with Excel/CSV and run statistical analyses tests such as Chi Square Goodness-of-fit, Cochran Q test, Paired t-test, Unpaired or Independent t-test, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test, U Mann-Whitney test, One Way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis test, Repeated Measures ANOVA, Friedman test, Mixed ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Spearman correlation, Shapiro-Wilk test, Levene test.

Also, you can easily generate Pie Charts, Box Plots, Scatterplots, Bland&Altman graphs and export them to a pixel-free format .SVG.

We always recommend the advise of a professional statistician, but if you don't have recources to afford hiring a statistician nor time, this application is for you. If you would like us to include a test in the app, just let us know, we will be happy to include that for you.

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Randomization App

This is a free online randomizer tool.

As you probably know, subject allocation into different treatment groups or conditions often requires randomization to minimize bias. Most of the people use methods such as the function Rand() from Excel or something like flipping a coin. These methods are called simple randomization and can't ensure that there's going to be an even allocation of subjects in each group, i.e., if you flip a coin 20 times it's very unlikely that you will obtain 10 times heads and 10 times tails.

In order to overcome this issue, advanced randomization methods exist such as block randomization with random block sizes. You can also export randomization lists for stratified designs and repeated measures designs.

You can now apply this method easily with our Web-based application. We always recommend the advise of a professional statistician, but if you don't have recources to afford hiring a statistician nor time, this application is for you.

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Resources App

This is a free online journal impact factor finder and much more.

Use this tool to easily find a list of Scientific Journals with their corresponding journal impact metrics for each medical field.

Also, you can use this tool to easily find all the Clinical trial registries within the World Health Organization Network.

On top of that, we have prepared a section where you can download templates for study protocols, IRB protocols, informed consents, and more.

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Study Finder App

This is an aggregated search engine of scientific documentation.

We have aggregated Pubmed database, Pubmed Central database and database into one unique user-friendly search engine. You can export and save each search that you make.

Save time, no need to spent hours and hours looking into all the different websites.

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Text Editor App

This is an online text editor to write abstracts and/or manuscripts.

Manage your abstract or manuscript from the cloud. Save it, export it and share it!

Have access to our network of medical writers as well for each country and therapeutic area. Feel free to reach out to get recommended medical writers, we don't charge for that.

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Share App

This app allows you to select and share all the documents with one click.

With all the other apps you can save in CSV, PDF and SVG information such as sample size calculations, statistical analysis, graphs, list of scientific references and a list of randomized allocation of subjects.

The Share App will allow you to share whichever documents you want and send them to whoever you wish by email. Just select the documents, introduce the email addresses, write a note, and click send.

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Freelance App

Get several quotations from Freelance Biostatisticians and/or Medical Writers in one click.

we do not share your details to any freelance/third party. We will provide you the contact details of freelancers and their approximate quotation for your request. You will be free to contact them or not and also you will be able no negotiate pricing with them, without Sigdaan being an intermediate party.

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